A Deer of Nine Colors

This series of images was inspired by a traditional story I heard as a child, A Deer of Nine Colors. The original story is based on the Buddhist Jataka tale, which was discovered as cave paintings from the Mogao Caves


I expanded the meaning of the story and added my own insight.

In this retelling of the story, the main character meets a magical, nine-colored deer. The character is led to a world filled with magic, mystery, and both incredible and impossible sights.

The main character represents the reader in an innocent state, untouched by the corruptions present in the world. The nine-colored deer represents our dreams, the goodness in our hearts, and all the qualities we strive to embody. Following the guidance of the nine-colored deer, we can embark on a brilliant and colorful journey. 

The nine-colored deer serves as the archetype for purity of heart. As we achieve our dreams, our inner self becomes closer to the deer.


However, just like in the original story,

the main character betrayed the Nine-Colored Deer because of greed, which eventually led to his own death.

We, as ordinary people living in this tumultuous society, are surrounded by a variety of temptations that promise power, wealth, and fame. 

These desires can be like snakes; ensnaring our minds, so that we make irrevocable decisions, and betray our dreams.
